Built for the toughest jobs.
We wanted to prove the toughness of the Crafter. But ordinary jobs are not enough for that. That's why we sent it to the most extreme jobs in the world: to the largest steelworks in Europe (Duisburg), the largest warehouse in the world (Bristol), the largest open-cast mine in Europe (Hambach) and the largest construction site in Germany (Berlin).
Ralf Heuel, Timm Weber, Oliver Heidorn, Gösta Diehl, Arnulf Hahn, Matthias Rauber, Andi Miller, Christian Soldatke
For the Crafter a load cannot be too heavy. Only too hot.
20,000 packages per day. There is no time left for refuelling.
A vehicle for extreme situations: your everyday life.
Lowest CO2 emissions in its class. Because only the best in their field work here.
I'm everywhere.
Freelance Creative Director & Copywriter
Freier Kreativdirektor & Texter
König-Heinrich-Weg 45A
22459 Hamburg
+49 151 220 4 3300